Hi Everyone!
Well, it's time....The Racing Rose has arrived. Now who is this you ask? Here's a little introduction about me to kick start this blog! I assume from the name of the blog it is clear that the main focus of these pieces will be that of racing, more specifically Formula One. Being relatively new to the sport, I might not know everything and I will most certainly make mistakes along the way. However, this blog is just about having a bit of fun and sharing my new found passion. So, where did it all begin...I began watching Formula One for the 2021 season (what a season to start watching right?). I know a lot of you will roll your eyes at this one, but yes I started watching after binge watching Drive to Survive. Having stumbled across this when I was mindless scrolling through Netflix for something to watch with my boyfriend, we settled on this interesting looking show not expecting much. Now however, we never have plans on a Sunday anymore because racing comes first of course! ...